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马维刚,甘肃环县人,清华大学长聘副教授,博士生导师。现任中国工程热物理学会传热传质青年委员会主任、国际传热传质中心(ICHMT)科学委员会委员、中国计量测试学会热物性专委会委员、《International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow》副编辑、《Journal of Thermal Science》传热传质学科编辑。曾获国际传热传质中心Hartnett-Irvine Award(2018)、亚洲热物性研究青年科学家奖(2019)、教育部自然科学一等奖(2018)、中国工程热物理学会自然科学二等奖(2023)、清华大学大学生研究训练计划优秀指导教师一等奖(2016)等奖励。主要研究领域为微纳尺度热测量、能量高效转换与存储(离子热电与固态电池),微电子器件热设计,医工交叉研究。



2002年9月—2006年7月,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 ,获工学学士学位

2006年9月—2012年1月,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 ,获工学博士学位


2012年1月—2013年12月,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 博士后

2012年4月—2012年7月,日本九州大学 访问学者

2013年12月—2014年12月,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 讲师

2014年12月—2016年12月,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 副教授

2017年1月—2022年12月,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 教研系列准聘副教授

2023年1月—至今,德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全 长聘副教授






《International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow》副编辑

《Journal of Thermal Science》传热传质学科编辑




《Applied Thermal Engineering》专刊客座编辑













致力于微纳尺度能量输运、转换及医工交叉研究,包括微纳尺度能量输运性质测量(综合T型法,TDTR,拉曼闪光),热电、液电材料开发与研究,固态电池开发和医工交叉等。共发表SCI论文100余篇,近五年(2019.1-2024.2)以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表SCI论文52篇,包括Nature Communications(2篇),Nano Energy(2篇),ACS Nano(1篇),Advanced Energy Materials(1篇)等期刊。在国际/国内会议作特邀报告10余次。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部联合研究基金、基础加强计划项目、华为公司、中兴公司、航天科技、中航工业、华大九天公司等多项合作项目,作为学术骨干参加国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目、重点项目和仪器设备专项等。






[1] 2023,中国工程热物理学会自然科学二等奖(排名第1)

[2] 2019,亚洲热物性研究青年科学家奖

[3] 2018,国际传热传质中心Hartnett-Irvine Award(排名第1)

[4] 2018,教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第3)

[5] 2016,清华大学大学生研究训练计划优秀指导教师一等奖

[6] 2012,第三届国际传热论坛“Best Presentation Award”


共发表SCI论文100余篇,近五年(2019.1-2024.2)以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表SCI论文52篇,包括Nature Communications(2篇),Nano Energy(2篇),ACS Nano(1篇),Advanced Energy Materials(1篇)等:

1. Chi C, Liu G Z, An M, Zhang Y F, Song D X, Qi X, Zhao C Y, Wang Z Q, Du Y Z, Lin Z Z, Lu Y, Huang H, Li Y, Lin C J, Ma W G*, Huang B L*, Du X Z, Zhang X, Reversible bipolar thermopower of ionic thermoelectric polymer composite for cyclic energy generation, Nature Communications, 14:306, 2023.

2. Chi C, An M, Qi X, Li Y, Zhang R H, Liu G Z, Lin C J, Huang H, Dang H, Demir B, Wang Y, Ma W G*, Huang B L*, Zhang X, Selectively tuning ionic thermopower in all-solid-state flexible polymer composites for thermal sensing, Nature Communications, 13:221, 2022.

3. Dang H, Lu Y, Du Y Z, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Ma W G*, Zhang X, A detailed thermal resistance network analysis of FCBGA package, Journal of Thermal Science, 33:18-28, 2024.

4. Gu Z C, Song D X, Luo S T, Liu H X, Sun X M, Zhu L Y, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Insights into the anode-initiated and grain boundary-initiated mechanisms for dendrite formation in all-solid-state lithium metal batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 13:2302945, 2023.

5. Du Y Z, Bo Z X, Ma W G*, Wang W H, Zhang X, Using transducerless time-domain thermoreflectance technique to measure in- and cross-plane thermal conductivity of nanofilms, Journal of Applied Physics, 134:185101, 2023.

6. Lin Z Z, Zhang X K, Ping X F, Hu L, Wang L C, Li M L, Li M J, Zhang Y, Li X L, Li P, Chi C, Ma W G*, Zhao D M*, Mai L Q, Zhang X, Disordered configuration leads to decoupled conductivity and thermopower, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4:101457, 2023.

7. Gao S, Qu J, Liu Z C*, Ma W G*, Sequential self-propelled morphology transitions of nanoscale condensates enable a cascade jumping-droplet condensation, Nano Energy, 113:108558, 2023.

8. Lu Y, Chi C, Zhang Y F, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Time-domain thermoreflectance study of the thermal transport properties of all-solid-state ionic thermoelectric material, International Journal of Thermophysics, 44:88, 2023.

9. An M, Zhang K L, Song F X, Chen X Q, Sharshir S W*, Kandeal A W, Thakur A K, Abdullah A S, Elkadeem M R, Chi C*, Edreis E M A, Kabeel A E, Ma W*, Discovering a robust machine learning model for predicting the productivity of a solar-driven humidification-dehumidification system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 228:120485, 2023.

10. Yao B, An L L, Zhu H H, Wang Z Q, Luo C C, Liu Y Y, Lin P C*, Chen Y, An M*, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Thermal management and waste heat recovery of electronics enabled by highly thermoconductive aramid composites with bridge-type 1d/2d liquid-crystalline thermal conduction networks, Energy Conversion and Management, 276:116603, 2023.

11. Song D X, Chi C, An M, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Wang K, Zhang X, Ionic Seebeck coefficient and figure of merit in ionic thermoelectric materials, Cell Reports Physical Science, 3:101018, 2022.

12. Dang H, Zhang Q, Lu Y, Zhang X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Optimizing the heat source layout of chips using bionic method: Reduction of junction temperature, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197:123321, 2022.

13. Lu Y, Tan X, Du Y Z, Ma D L, Ma W G*, Direct observation of ultrafast carrier coupling dynamics in monolayer graphene/metal system, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197:123322, 2022.

14. Chu H Q, Xu N, Yu X Y, Jiang H T, Ma W G*, Qiao F*, Review of surface modification in pool boiling application: Coating manufacturing process and heat transfer enhancement mechanism, Applied Thermal Engineering, 215:119041, 2022.

15. Wang X Q, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Tunable anisotropic lattice thermal conductivity in one-dimensional superlattices from molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Thermal Science, 31:1068-1075, 2022.

16. Du Y Z, Shi S Y, Miao T T, Ma W G*, Mai L Q*, Zhang X, Thermoelectric properties of an individual suspended single-crystalline Sb2Se3 nanowire, Journal of Thermal Science, 31:1106-1114, 2022.

17. Zhao C Y, Song D X, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Insights of the ionic transport in intercalated two-dimensional materials leveraging lattice dynamics, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126:10209-10215, 2022.

18. Lin Z Z, Dang H, Zhao C Y, Du Y Z, Chi C, Ma W G*, Li Y S*, Zhang X, The cross-interface energy-filtering effect at organic/inorganic interfaces balances the trade-off between thermopower and conductivity, Nanoscale, 14:9419, 2022.

19. Lin Z Z, Du Y Z, Li P, Chi C, Lu Y, Dang H, Song D X, Ma W G*, Li Y S*, Zhang X, in situ triggering metallicity in 3D graphene via constructing wrinkle configuration, Applied Physics Letters, 120:203503, 2022.

20. Lin Z Z, Du Y Z, Chi C, Dang H, Song D X, Ma W G*, Li Y S*, Zhang X, Energy-dependent carrier scattering at weak localizations leading to decoupling of thermopower and conductivity, Carbon, 194:62-71, 2022.

21. Dang H, Song D X, Lin Z Z, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Effect of axial electric field on confined water in carbon nanotube: Enhancement of thermophoresis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 190:122751, 2022.

22. An M, Wang H T, Yuan Y J*, Chen D S, Ma W G*, Sharshir S W, Zheng Z H, Zhao Y X*, Zhang X, Strong phonon coupling induces low thermal conductivity of one-dimensional carbon boron nanotube, Surfaces and Interfaces, 28:101690, 2022.

23. Tang Z L, Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Two-level synergistic scatterings from porosity and particle aggregation in Cu nanofluids for the enhancement of solar thermal conversion, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 342:116940, 2021.

24. Kandeal A W, An M*, Chen X Q, Algazzar A M, Thakur A K, Guan X Y, Wang J Y, Elkadeem M R, Ma W G*, Sharshir S W*, Productivity modeling enhancement of a solar desalination unit with nanofluids using machine learning algorithms integrated with bayesian optimization, Energy Technology, 9:2100189, 2021.

25. Song D X, Chen X, Lin Z Z, Tang Z L, Ma W G*, Zhang Q*, Li Y S, Zhang X, Usability identification framework and high-throughput screening of two-dimensional materials in lithium ion batteries, ACS Nano, 15:16469-16477, 2021.

26. Song D X, Ma W G*, and Zhang X, Insight into the activation energy for the interfacial stability evaluation in all-solid-state Li-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 506:230211, 2021.

27. Shan Z Y, Xian H J, Jia L, Ma W G*, Zhang H, Zhang X, Wang W H, Size effect of the heat transfer in palladium-based metallic glass nanofilms, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 882:160748, 2021.

28. An M, Chen D S, Ma W G*, Hu S Q*, Zhang X, Directly visualizing the crossover from incoherent to coherent phonons in two-dimensional periodic MoS2/MoSe2 arrayed heterostructure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178:121630, 2021.

29. Wang X Q, An M, Zou J H, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Large-scale preparation of thermal anisotropic macroscopic layered metallic materials by a mechanical rolling method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 171:121059, 2021.

30. Yang F L, Hegh D, Song D X, Zhang J Z, Usman K A, Wang Z Y, Zhang P, Ma W G*, Yang W R, Qin S*, Razal J M*, A nitrogenous pre-intercalation strategy for the synthesis of nitrogen-doped Ti3C2Tx MXene with enhanced electrochemical capacitance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9:6393-6401, 2021.

31. Song D X, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Zhang X, High rate and capacity performances of functionalized Mxene/graphene heterostructure anodes for magnesium-ion batteries, International Journal of Energy Research, 45:3421-3429, 2021.

32. Qi X, Miao T T, Chi C, Zhang G, Zhang C, Du Y Z, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Ultralight PEDOT:PSS/graphene oxide composite aerogel sponges for electric power harvesting from thermal fluctuations and moist environment, Nano Energy, 77:105096, 2020.

33. Li P, Liu Y J, Shi S Y, Xu Z*, Ma W G*, Wang Z Q, Liu S P, Gao C*, Highly crystalline graphene fibers with superior strength and conductivities by plasticization spinning, Advanced Functional Materials, 30:2006584, 2020.

34. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Correlated migration of ions in a 2D heterostructure anode: Guaranteeing a low barrier for a high site occupancy, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8:17463-17470, 2020.

35. Chi C, Li D Z, Li Y, Qi X, Huang H, Wang Q, Lin C J, Zhang X, Ma W G*, Huang B L*, Silicon-nanoforest-based solvent-free micro-supercapacitors with ultrahigh spatial resolution via IC-compatible in situ fabrication for on-chip energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8:22736-22744, 2020.

36. Song D X, Du Y Z, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Hybrid percolation network in composite for selectively enhancing electrical and thermal conductivities, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 147:119014, 2020.

37. Zhang C*, Gu Y A, Teng G X, Wang L P, Jin X D, Qiang Z W, Ma W G*, Fabrication of a double-shell Ag/AgCl/G-ZnFe2O4 nanocube with enhanced light absorption and superior photocatalytic antibacterial activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12:29883-29898, 2020.

38. Qi X, Xu H, Wang X Q, Ma W G*, Qiu C, An M, Zhang G*, Wang F, Zhang X, Bermak A, Effective surface emissivity and heat dissipation among integrated bamboo-like super-black vertical carbon nanotube array electrodes in silicon via holes, Carbon, 158:846-856, 2020.

39. Song D X, Xie L, Zhang Y F, Lu Y, An M, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Multilayer ion load and diffusion on TMD/Mxene heterostructure anodes for alkali-ion batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3:7699-7709, 2020.

40. Gu Y N, Teng G X, Jin X D, Wang L P, Qiang Z W, Ma W G*, Zhang C*, Shape-controlled synthesis of coral-like ZnO/C-ZnFe2O4 hierarchical structures and their improved photocatalytic antibacterial efficiency under visible light illumination, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59:11219-11231, 2020.

41. Chen D S, Chen H F, Hu S Q, Guo H, Sharshir S W, An M*, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Influence of atomic-scale defect on thermal conductivity of single-layer MoS2 sheet, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 831:154875, 2020.

42. An M, Li L F, Hu S Q*, Ding Z D, Yu X X, Demir B, Yang N*, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Mass difference and polarization lead to low thermal conductivity of graphene-like carbon nitride (C3N), Carbon, 162:202-208, 2020.

43. Zhang C*, Jin C Z, Teng G X, Gu Y N, Ma W G*, Controllable synthesis of hollow MnFe2O4 by self-etching and its application in high-performance anode for lithium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 365:121-131, 2019.

44. Wang X Q, Shi S Y, Qi X, Wu D, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Thermoelectric properties of single crystal EuBiSe3 fiber, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 23:200-210, 2019.

45. Song D X, Zhang Y F, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Role of electron-phonon coupling in thermal conductivity of metallic nanofluids, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 52:485302, 2019.

46. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Lattice thermal conductivity of Si/Ge composite thermoelectric material: Effect of Si particle distribution, International Journal of Energy Research, 43:379-390, 2019.

47. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Anisotropic thermal conductivity in ferrofluids induced by uniform cluster orientation and anisotropic phonon mean free path, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 138:1228-1237, 2019.

48. Song D X, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Thermal conductivity in highly loaded metallic nanowire-dielectric composite: Effect of percolation network, Chemical Physics Letters, 731:136630, 2019.

49. Song D X, Jing D W, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Effect of particle aggregation on thermal conductivity of nanofluids: Enhancement of phonon MFP, Journal of Applied Physics, 125:015103, 2019.

50. Miao T T, Yu D W, Xing L, Li D W, Jiao L Y, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Current rectification in a structure: ReSe2/Au contacts on both sides of ReSe2, Nanoscale Research Letters, 14:1, 2019.

51. Miao T T, Li D W, Wang X S, Ma W G*, Zhang X, Ultraweak influence of strong magnetic field on electrical and thermal transport properties of a polycrystalline gold nanoribbon, Physical Review B, 100:235402, 2019.

52. Jin C Z, Teng G X, Gu Y A, Cheng H, Fu S P, Zhang C*, Ma W G*, Functionalized hollow MnFe2O4 nanospheres: Design, applications and mechanism for efficient adsorption of heavy metal ions, New Journal of Chemistry, 43:5879-5889, 2019.