1. Ai, Liqiang, Zhou, Yusi; Chen, Min, The role of dissolved oxygen in iron oxidation in supercritical water: insights from reactive dynamics simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123: 15009-15016, 2019.
2. Tian-Bao Wang, Yong-Jun Lü, Li-Qiang Ai, Yu-Si Zhou, Min Chen, Dendritic growth model involving interface kinetics for supercooled water. Langmuir, 35 (15): 5162-5167, 2019.
3. Haishen Huang, Liqiang Ai, A. C. T. van Duin, Min Chen, Yongjun Lv, ReaxFF reactive force field for molecular dynamics simulations of liquid Cu and Zr metals. Journal of Chemical Physics, 151: 094503, 2019.
4. Wang, Yi-Bo; Wang, Xiao-Dong; Yang, Yan-Ru; Chen, Min, The maximum spreading factor for polymer nanodroplets impacting a hydrophobic solid surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (20): 12841-12850, 2019.
5. Ai, Liqiang; Zhou, Yusi; Chen, Min, A reactive force field molecular dynamics simulation of the dynamic properties of hydrogen bonding in supercritical water. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 276, 83-92, 2019.
6. Buxuan Li, Youwei Gu, Min Chen, Cavitation inception of water with solid nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 51, 120-128, 2019.
7. Liqiang Ai, Yusi Zhou, Haishen Huang, Yongjun Lv, Min Chen, A reactive force field molecular dynamics simulation of nickel oxidation in supercritical water. Journal of Supercritical Fluid, 133, 421-428, 2018.
8. Tianbao Wang, Min Chen, Determining Interface Temperature During Rapid Freezing of Supercooled Water, Journal of Aircraft, //doi.org/10.2514/1.C034572, 2018.
9. Li, B., Gu, Y., Chen, M, An experimental study on the cavitation of water with dissolved gases. Experiments in Fluids, 58(12), 164, 2017.
10. B. X. Li, X. H. Li, M. Chen, Spreading and breakup of nanodroplet impinging on surface, Physics of Fluids, 29: 012003, 2017.
11. Xiang-Xiong Zhang, Li-Qiang Ai, Min Chen, Da-Xi Xiong, Thermal conductive performance of deposited amorphous carbon materials by molecular dynamics simulation, Molecular Physics, 1288940, 2017.
12. X. X. Zhang, L. Q. Ai, M. Chen, D. X. Xiong, Thermal conductive performance of deposited amorphous carbon materials by molecular dynamics simulation, Molecular Physics, 115: 831-838, 2017.
13. Y. W. Gu, B. X. Li, M. Chen, An experimental study on the cavitation of water with effects of SiO2 nanoparticles, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 79: 195-201, 2016.
14. X. X. Zhang, X. H. Li, M. Chen, Role of the electric double layer in the ice nucleation of water droplets under an electric field, Atmospheric Research, 178: 150-154, 2016.
15. X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, Icephobicity of Functionalized Graphene Surfaces, Journal of Nanomaterials, 6731840, 2016.
16. L. Q. Ai, X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, D. X. Xiong, Deposition and thermal conductivity of diamond-like carbon film on a silicon substrate, Acta Physica Sinica, 65(9): 096501, 2016.
17. Y. W. Gu, S. Ge, M. Chen, A molecular dynamics simulation of nanoscale convective heat transfer with the effect of axial heat conduction, Molecular Physics, 114(12): 1922-1930, 2016.
18. Y. J. Lu, X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, J. Z. Jiang, Exploring the nature of the liquid–liquid transition in silicon: a non-activated transformation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17: 27167, 2015.
19. X. H. Li, X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, Estimation of viscous dissipation in nanodroplet impact and spreading, Physics of Fluids, 27(5): 052007, 2015.
20. S. Ge, Y. W. Gu, M. Chen, A molecular dynamics simulation on the convective heat transfer in nanochannels, Molecular Physics, 1-8, published online, 2014.
21. X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, M. Fu, Impact of surface nanostructure on ice nucleation. J. Chemical Physics, 141(12): 124709, 2014.
22. X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, M. Fu, Icing of water on polyethylene surfaces. Applied Surface Science, 313: 771-776, 2014.
23. B. B. Wang, X. D. Wang, Y. Y. Duan, M. Chen, Molecular dynamics simulation on evaporation of water and aqueous droplets in the presence of electric field, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 73: 533-541, 2014.
24. X. X. Zhang, Y. J. Lu, M. Chen, Crystallisation of ice in charged Pt nanochannel, Molecular Physics, 111(24): 3808-3814, 2013.
25. Y. J. Lu, X. X. Zhang, M. Chen, Size effect on nucleation rate for homogeneous crystallization of nanoscale water film, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117: 10241−10249, 2013.
26. C. Si, X. D. Wang, M. Chen, Y. Y. Duan, Effect of wall adsorption on the nano-droplet evaporation in a nano-channel: A molecular dynamics investigation, Colloids and Surfaces A, 436: 450-458, 2013.
27. S. Ge, M. Chen, Temperature dependence of thermal resistance at a solid/liquid interface, Molecular Physics, 111(7): 903-908, 2013.
28. S. Ge, M. Chen, Vibrational coupling and Kapitza resistance at a solid-liquid interface, Int. J. Thermophysics, 34(1): 64-77, 2013.
29. Song Ge, Min Chen, A molecular dynamics simulation on the relationship between contact angle and solid-liquid interfacial thermal resistance, Acta Physica Sinica, 62(11): 110204, 2013.
30. Bing-Bing Wang, Xiao-Dong Wang, Min Chen, Jin-Lian Xu, Molecular dynamics simulations on evaporation of droplets with dissolved salts, Entropy, 15(4): 1232-1246, 2013.
31. Chao Si, Bing-Bing Wang, Min Chen, Yuan-Yuan Duan, Xiao-Dong Wang, Molecular dynamics investigation on regular patterns of nano-droplet evaporation, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 11(3): 195-200, 2012.
32. Song Ge, Min Chen, Effects of surface charge and electric field on the interfacial thermal resistance at liquid/solid interfaces, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 28(12): 2939-2943, 2012.
33. Yong-Jun Lu, Hao Cheng, Min Chen, A molecular dynamics examination of the relationship between self-diffusion and viscosity in liquid metals, J. Chemical Physics, 136(21): 214505, 2012.
34. Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Surface layering-induced crystallization of Ni-Si alloy drops, Acta Materialia, 60(11): 4636-4645, 2012.
35. Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Molecular Transport through Finite-Length Carbon Nanotubes, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2012, 28(5): 1070-1076.
36. Xiao-Kun Gu, Min Chen, Shape dependence of slip length on patterned hydrophobic surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 99(6): 063101, 2011.
37. Song Ge, Min Chen, Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Inter-diffusion of Supercritical Lennard-Jones Mixture, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 32(11): 2593-2597, 2011.
38. Song Ge, Xiang-Xiong Zhang, Min Chen, Viscosity of NaCl aqueous solution under supercritical condition, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56(4): 1299-1304, 2011.
39. Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Thermophysical properties of undercooled alloys: an overview of the molecular simulation approaches, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12, 278-316, 2011.
40. Song Ge, Xiang-Xiong Zhang, Min Chen, A molecular dynamics simulation of the diffusivity of O2 in supercritical water, Int. J. Thermophysics, 31: 2176–2186, 2010.
41. Bing-Yang Cao, Jun Sun, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Molecular momentum transport at fluid-solid interfaces in MEMS/NEMS: a review, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(11): 4638-4706, 2009.
42. Hao Cheng, Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Interdiffusion in liquid Al-Cu and Ni-Cu alloys, Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(4): 044502, 2009.
43. Li-Hong Wang, Min Chen, Manfred Groll, Flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of R134a in a horizontal mini tube, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54(9): 2638-2645, 2009.
44. Da-Qi Yu, Min Chen, Hong Yang, Yong-Jun Lu, Structural evolution during crystal nucleation in supercooled liquids with icosahedral short-range order, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 89(1): 44-50, 2009.
45. Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Hong Yang, Da-Qi Yu, Nucleation of Ni–Fe alloy near the spinodal, Acta Materialia, 56(15): 4022-4027, 2008.
46. Xiu-Jun Han, Min Chen, Yong-Jun Lu, Transport properties of undercooled liquid copper: a molecular dynamics study, International Journal of Thermophysics, 29(4): 1408-1421, 2008.
47. Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Oscillation of gas molecules in carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 19(21): 215707, 2008.
48. Yao Peng, Feng Chen, Yao-Zhu Song, Min Chen, Single bubble behavior in direct current electric field, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(2): 178-183, 2008.
49. Hong Yang, Yong-Jun Lu, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, A molecular dynamics study on melting point and specific heat of Ni3Al alloy, Science in China Series G - Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 50(4): 407-413, 2007.
50. Feng Chen, Yao Peng, Yao-Zhu Song, Min Chen, EHD behavior of nitrogen bubbles in DC electric fields, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32(1): 174-181, 2007.
51. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Liquid flow in surface-nanostructured channels studied by molecular dynamics simulation, Physical Review E, 74(6): 066311, 2006.
52. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Velocity slip of liquid flow in nanochannels, Acta Physica Sinica, 55(10): 5305-5310, 2006.
53. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Effect of surface roughness on gas flow in microchannels by molecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Engineering Science, 44(13-14): 927-937, 2006.
54. Hong Yang, Min Chen, A molecular dynamics simulation of thermodynamic properties of undercooled liquid Ni2TiAl alloy, Acta Physica Sinica, 55(5): 2418-2421, 2006.
55. Da-Qi Yu, Min Chen, Rigid multibody molecular dynamics algorithm in canonical ensemble, Acta Physica Sinica, 55(4): 1628-1633, 2006.
56. Da-Qi Yu, Min Chen, Xiu-Jun Han, Structure analysis methods for crystalline solids and supercooled liquids, Physical Review E, 72 (5): 051202, 2005.
57. Xiu-Jun Han, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, A molecular dynamics study of the thermophysical properties of liquid Ti–Al alloys, Int. J. Thermophysics, 26(3): 869-880, 2005.
58. Hong Yang, Qing-Guang Zhang, Min Chen, A phase-field simulation on the influence of thermal fluctuation on secondary branch growth in undercooled melt, Acta Physica Sinica, 54 (8): 3740-3744, 2005.
59. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Temperature dependence of the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient for gases, Applied Physics Letters, 86(9): 091905, 2005.
60. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yaun Guo, Wettability of surface with nano-structures studied by using molecular dynamics simulation, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 26(2): 277-280, 2005.
61. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Rarefied gas flow in rough microchannels by molecular dynamics simulation, Chin. Phys. Lett., 21(9): 1777-1779, 2004.
62. Bing-Yang Cao, Min Chen, Zeng-Yaun Guo, Application of 2DMD to gaseous microflows, Chin. Sci. Bull., 49(11): 1101-1105, 2004.
63. Xiu-Jun Han, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation of thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid cobalt, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16(15): 2565-2574, 2004.
64. Xiu-Jun Han, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid Au–Cu alloys from molecular dynamics simulations, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 16(6): 705-713, 2004.
65. Zun-Jin Wang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, A molecular study on the liquid-vapor interphase transport, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 7(4): 275-289, 2003.
66. Ji-Wu Shu, Bing Wang, Min Chen, et al., Optimization techniques for parallel force-decomposition algorithm in molecular dynamic simulations, Computer Physics Communications, 154(2): 121-130, 2003.
67. Zun-Jin Wang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, A two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor nucleation, Chin. Sci. Bull., 48(7): 623-626, 2003.
68. Yao WJ, Yang C, Han XJ, Chen M, et al., Rapid dendritic growth in an undercooled Ni-Cu alloy under the microgravity condition, Acta Physica Sinica, 52(2): 448-453, 2003.
69. Wen-Jin Yao, Xiu-Jun Han, Min Chen, Surface tension of undercooled liquid cobalt, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14 (32): 7479-7485, 2002.
70. Zun-Jin Wang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Analysis of transition state theory for condensation, Chin. Sci. Bull., 47(11): 952-954, 2002.
71. Zun-Jin Wang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Modified transition state theory for evaporation and condensation, Chin. Phys. Lett., 19(4): 537-539, 2002.
72. Zun-Jin Wang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Structural and thermodynamic properties of liquid transition metals with different embedded-atom method models, Chin. Phys. Lett., 19(3): 324-326, 2002.
73. Min Chen, Chun Yang, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Surface tension of Ni-Cu alloys: A molecular simulation approach, Int. J. Thermophysics, 22(4): 1295-1302, 2001.
74. Chun Yang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation of the specific heat of undercooled Fe-Ni melts, Int. J. Thermophysics, 22(4): 1303-1309, 2001.
75. Zun-Jin Wang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Chun Yang, Molecular dynamics study on the liquid-vapor interfacial profiles, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 183: 321-329, 2001.
76. Chun Yang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Molecular dynamics simulations on specific heat capacity and glass transition temperature of liquid silver, Chin. Sci. Bull., 46(12): 1051-1053, 2001.
77. Xiu-Jun Han, Chun Yang, Bing-Bo Wei, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Rapid solidification of highly undercooled Ni-Cu alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 307(1-2): 35-41, 2001.
78. Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Xin-Gang Liang, Molecular simulation of some thermophysical properties and phenomena, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 5(1): 1-16, 2001.
79. Chun Yang, Min Chen, Zeng-Yuan Guo, et al., Hypercooling and the specific heat capacity of Cu-Ni alloy, Chinese Physics Letters, 18(1): 126-128, 2001.
80. Min Chen, Chun Yang, Zeng-Yuan Guo, A Monte Carlo simulation on surface tension of liquid nickel, Materials Science and Engineering A - Structural Materials Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 292(2): 203-206, 2000.
81. Min Chen, Chun Yang, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Monte Carlo simulation of argon in nano-space, Chinese Physics Letters, 17(5): 313-315, 2000.
82. Zeng-Yuan Guo, Da-Xi Xiong, Chun Yang, Min Chen, Zhi-Xin Li, Continuous liquid-vapor phase transition in microspace, Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 39(4): 481-489, 2000.
83. Pei-Wen Li, Min Chen, Wen-Quan Tao, Theoretical analysis and experimental investigation on local heat transfer characteristics of HFC-134a forced-convection condensation inside smooth horizontal tubes, Heat Transfer Engineering, 21(6): 34-43, 2000.