1. 复杂边界流动数值方法
M. Ma, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X. Cui, A hybrid immersed boundary/wall-model approach for large-eddy simulation of high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 88: 108769, 2021
L.-H. Wang, C.-M. Xie, W.-X. Huang*, A monolithic projection framework for constrained FSI problems with the immersed boundary method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 371: 113332, 2020
W.-X. Huang, F.-B. Tian, Recent trends and progresses in the immersed boundary method, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(23-24): 7617-7636, 2019
M. Ma, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, A dynamic wall model for large eddy simulation of turbulent flow over complex/moving boundaries based on the immersed boundary method, Physics of Fluids, 31: 115101, 2019 (Editor's Pick)
W.-X. Huang, F.-B. Tian, Recent trends and progresses in the immersed boundary method, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, in press, 2019
W.-X. Huang*, W. Guo, An improved penalty immersed boundary method for multiphase flow simulation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 88: 447-462, 2018 (Cover Image)
罗海宁,黄伟希*. 移动最小二乘浸没边界法中的权函数影响分析. 计算力学学报, (4): 487-492, 2017
R.-Y. Li, C.-M. Xie, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, An efficient immersed boundary projection method for flow over complex/moving boundaries, Computers & Fluids, 140: 122-135, 2016
C. Yan, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, C.-X. Xu, Z.-S. Zhang, A Ghost Cell Immersed Boundary Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Flows in Complex Geometries, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 29: 12-25, 2015
W.-X. Huang, C.B. Chang and H.J. Sung, Three-dimensional simulation of elastic capsules in shear flow by the penalty immersed boundary method, Journal of Computational Physics, 231: 3340-3364, 2012
W.-X. Huang, C.B. Chang and H.J. Sung, "An Improved Penalty Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Flexible Body Interaction", Journal of Computational Physics, 230: 5061-5079, 2011
W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "An Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid−Flexible Structure Interaction," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198: 2650-2661, 2009
S.J. Shin, W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Assessment of regularized delta functions and feedback forcing schemes for an immersed boundary method," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 58: 263-286, 2008
W.-X. Huang, S.J. Shin and H.J. Sung, "Simulation of Flexible Filaments in a Uniform Flow by the Immersed Boundary Method," Journal of Computational Physics, 226: 2206-2228, 2007
W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Improvement of Mass Source/Sink for an Immersed Boundary Method," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53: 1659-1671, 2007
2. 壁湍流机理、模型及控制
H.-N. Wang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Synthetic near-wall small-scale turbulence and its application in wall-modelled large-eddy simulation, Physics of Fluids, 33: 095102, 2021 (Featured Article)
H.-N. Wang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Off-wall boundary conditions for large-eddy simulation based on near-wall turbulence prediction, Physics of Fluids, 33: 045125, 2021 (Editor's Pick)
B.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, A near-wall predictive model for passive scalars using minimal flow unit, Physics of Fluids, 33: 045119, 2021 (Featured Article)
H.-N. Wang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Space-time characteristics of turbulence in minimal flow units, Physics of Fluids, 32: 125103, 2020 (Editor's Pick)
B.-Z. Han, W.-X. Huang*, Active control for drag reduction of turbulent channel flow based on convolutional neural networks, Physics of Fluids, 32: 095108, 2020
Y. Song, C. Xu, W. Huang, Linear optimal control of transient growth in turbulent channel flows, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(4):729–739, 2019
M.-X. Zhao, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow along a Cylinder by Circumferential Oscillating Lorentz Force, Physics of Fluids, 31: 095104, 2019
M. Yu, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Data-Driven Construction of a Reduced Order Model for Supersonic Boundary Layer Transition, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 874: 1096-1114, 2019
M.-X. Zhao, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flows along a Cylinder by Streamwise-Travelling Waves of Circumferential Wall Velocity, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 862: 75-98, 2019
G. Yin, W. X. Huang, C. X. Xu, Prediction of near-wall turbulence using minimal flow unit, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 841: 654-673, 2018
W.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X. Cui, Suboptimal Control of Wall Turbulence with Arrayed Dimple Actuators for Drag Reduction, Journal of Turbulence, 17(4): 379-399, 2016
Q.-J. Xia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X Cui, Direct numerical simulation of spatially developing turbulent boundary layers with opposition control, Fluid Dynamics Research, 47: 025503, 2015
Y.-J. Dai, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X. Cui, Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a rotating square duct, Physics of Fluids, 27: 065104, 2015
Yinshan Wang, Weixi Huang, Chunxiao Xu, On hairpin vortex generation from near-wall streamwise vortices, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 31(2): 139-152, 2015
B.-Q. Deng, C.-X. Xu, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Strengthened opposition control for skin-friction reduction in wall-bounded turbulent flows, Journal of Turbulence, 15(2): 122-143, 2014
B.Q. Deng, C.X. Xu, W.X. Huang, G.X. Cui, Effect of active control on optimal structures in wall turbulence, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(2), 290-297, 2013
M.-W. Ge, C.-X. Xu, W.-X. Huang, G.-X. Cui, Transient Response of Enstrophy Transport to Opposition Control in Turbulent Channel Flow, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 34(2), 127-138, 2013
C.-X. Xu and W.-X. Huang, Transient Response of Reynolds Stress Transport to Spanwise Wall Oscillation in a Turbulent Channel Flow, Physics of Fluids, 17: 018101, 2005
3. 复杂边界湍流
L.-H. Wang, G.-Z. Ma, C.-X. Xu, H. J. Sung, W.-X. Huang*, Wall-attached structures over a traveling wavy boundary: Scalar transport, Physics of Fluids, 33: 105115, 2021 (Editor's Pick)
L.-H. Wang, C.-X. Xu, H. J. Sung, W.-X. Huang*, Wall-attached structures over a traveling wavy boundary: Turbulent velocity fluctuations, Physical Review Fluids, 6: 034611, 2021
B.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang, Chun-Xiao Xu, Rough-wall turbulence in a minimal flow unit, Physics of Fluids, 32: 115120, 2020 (Editor's Pick)
G.-Z. Ma, C.-X. Xu, H. J. Sung, W.-X. Huang*, Scaling of rough-wall turbulence by the roughness height and steepness, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 900: R7, 2020
L.-H. Wang, W.-Y. Zhang, X. Hao, W.-X. Huang*, L. Shen, C.-X. Xu, Z. Zhang, Surface wave effects on energy transfer in overlying turbulent flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 893: A21, 2020
W.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Very large-scale motions in turbulent flows over streamwise travelling wavy boundaries, Physical Review Fluids, 4: 054601, 2019
L.-H. Wang, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, L. Shen, Z.-S. Zhang, Relationship between wall shear stresses and streamwise vortices in turbulent flow over wavy boundary, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 40(3): 381-396, 2019
Q.-J. Xia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer over an Anisotropic Compliant Wall, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(2): 384-400, 2019
Q.-J. Xia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Compliant Wall, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 71: 126-142, 2017
C. Yan, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Z.-S. Zhang, Large eddy simulation of flow over a vegetation-like canopy modeled as arrays of bluff elements, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 165: 233-249, 2017
C. Yan, H. M. Nepf, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Large eddy simulation of flow and scalar transport in a vegetated channel, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 17: 497-519, 2017
Z.-X. Hu, J. Huang, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Second-order curved interface treatments of the lattice Boltzmann method for convection-diffusion equations with conjugate interfacial conditions, Computers and Fluids, 144: 60-73, 2017
Y.S. Liu, G.X. Cui, Z.S. Wang, W.X. Huang, C.X. Xu, Z.S. Zhang, A composite model for complex building street configuration in a large eddy simulation of local urban atmospheric environment, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54(4): 716-723, 2011
W.-X. Huang, S.-H. Lee, H.J. Sung, T.-M. Lee and D.-S. Kim, "Simulation of Liquid Transfer between Separating Walls for Modeling Micro-gravure- offset Printing," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29: 1436-1446, 2008
W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder near a Moving Wall," Journal of Fluids and Structures, 23: 1064-1076, 2007
4. 仿生流动
J.-D. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, Numerical model and hydrodynamic performance of tuna finlets, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 12: 100322, 2022
D. Zhang, Q. Huang*, G. Pan, L. Yang, W.-X. Huang*, Vortex dynamics and hydrodynamic performance enhancement mechanism in batoid fish oscillatory swimming, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 930: A28, 2022
E. Lau, W.-X. Huang*, Variations of flight patterns for falling flexible plates, Physics of Fluids, 33: 081904, 2021
J. Yang, Y. Chen, J.-D. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, H. J. Sung*, A self-propelled flexible plate with a keel-like structure, Physics of Fluids, 33: 031902, 2021
J.-D Zhang, H. J. Sung, W.-X Huang*, Specialization of Tuna: A Numerical Study on the Function of Caudal Keels, Physics of Fluids, 32: 111902, 2020 (Editor's Pick)
J. Qiu, W. Huang, C. Xu, L. Zhao, Swimming strategy of settling elongated micro-swimmers by reinforcement learning, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 63(8): 284711, 2020
K. Jia, L. Fang, W.-X. Huang*, Coupled States of Dual Side-by-side Inverted Flags in a Uniform Flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91: 102768, 2019
J.-D. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, On the Role of Vortical Structures in Aerodynamic Performance of a Hovering Mosquito, Physics of Fluids, 31: 051906, 2019
J. Ryu, S.G. Park, W.-X. Huang, H. J. Sung, Hydrodynamics of a three-dimensional self-propelled flexible plate, Physics of Fluids, 31: 021902, 2019 (Editor's Pick)
R.-Y. Li, Z.-W. Cui, W.-X. Huang*, L.-H. Zhao, C.-X. Xu, On Rotational Dynamics of a Finite-sized Ellipsoidal Particle in Shear Flows, Acta Mechanica, 230: 449-467, 2019
E. M. Lau, J.-D. Zhang, Y.-X. Jia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Vortical structures in the wake of falling plates Journal of Visualization, Journal of Visualization, 22:15-24, 2019
E. Lau, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Progression of heavy plates from stable falling to tumbling flight, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 850: 1009-1031, 2018
E. Uddin, W.-X. Huang*, H.J. Sung*, Actively Flapping Tandem Flexible Flags in a Viscous Flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 780: 120-142, 2015
C.-M. Xie, W.-X. Huang*, Vortex interactions between forewing and hindwing of dragonfly in hovering flight, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 5: 24-29, 2015
谢春梅, 黄伟希*. 前后排列柔性细丝在粘性流体中自主推进的稳定形态及动力学机制. 科学通报,62(19): 2094-2103, 2017(封面文章)
J.H. Lee, W.-X. Huang* and H.J. Sung*, Flapping Dynamics of a Flexible Flag in a Uniform Flow, Fluid Dynamics Research, 46: 055517, 2014
S.G. Park, C.B. Chang, W.-X. Huang, H.J. Sung, Simulation of Swimming Oblate Jellyfish with a Paddling Based Locomotion, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 748: 731-755, 2014
E. Uddin, W.-X. Huang, H.J. Sung, Interaction Modes of Multiple Flexible Flags in a Uniform Flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 729: 563-583, 2013
C.B. Chang, W.-X. Huang, H.J. Sung, Lateral Migration of an Elastic Capsule by Optical Force in a Uniform Flow, Physical Review E, 86: 066306, 2012
C.B. Chang, W.-X. Huang, K.H. Lee and H.J. Sung, Optical Levitation of a Non-Spherical Particle in a Loosely Focused Gaussian Beam, Optics Express, 20(21): 24068-24084, 2012
B.Y. Kim, W.-X. Huang, S.J. Shin, and H.J. Sung, Flexible Ring Flapping in a Uniform Flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 707: 129-149, 2012
Hao-Tian Gao, Feng-Hua Qin, Wei-Xi Huang, De-Jun Sun, Multiple Modes of Filament Flapping in a Uniform Flow, Chinese Physics Letters, 29(9): 094702, 2012
F.-H. Qin, W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, Simulation of Small Swimmer Motions Driven by Tail/Flagellum Beating, Computers & Fluids, 55: 109-117, 2012
W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Three−Dimensional Simulation of a Flapping Flag in a Uniform Flow," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 653: 301-336, 2010
S. Kim, W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, “Constructive and Destructive Interaction Modes between Two Tandem Flexible Flags in Viscous Flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 661: 511-521, 2010
5. 航行体水动力学
J.-W. Jiang, Z.-Y. Xiong, W. Rui, Y.-H. Chen, J.-R. Liu, W.-X. Huang*, An improved spectral method and experimental tests for the low-frequency broadband noise of marine propellers, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, in press
J.-W. Jiang, W.-Q. Wang, K. Chen, W.-X. Huang*, Large-Eddy Simulation of Three-Dimensional Aerofoil Tip-Gap Flow, Ocean Engineering, 243: 110315, 2022
C. Xie, J. Liu, J.-W. Jiang, W.-X. Huang*, Numerical study on wetted and cavitating tip-vortical flows around an elliptical hydrofoil: interplay of cavitation, vortices and turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33: 093316, 2021
J.-W. Jiang, Y. Yang, T.-W. Ren, F. Wang, W.-X. Huang*, Data-driven evolutionary optimisation for the reduction of the low-frequency discrete-spectrum force of marine propeller noise, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(1): 18, 2021
J.-W. Jiang, J.-T. Qi, H.-P. Cai, K. Chen, W.-X. Huang*, Prediction and optimisation of low-frequency discrete- and broadband-spectrum marine propeller forces, Applied Ocean Research, 98: 102114, 2020
S. J. Kim, W.-X. Huang, H. J. Sung, The reduction of noise induced by flow over an open cavity, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 82: 108560, 2020
W.-X. Huang*, Y. Chen, S. Lee, Y. L. Young, M. Abdel-Maksoud, Hydrodynamics of marine propulsion, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(18): 6291-6292, 2019
J.-W. Jiang, W.-X. Huang*, Hydrodynamic design of an advanced submerged propulsion, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(18): 6367-6382, 2019