王浩文 教授 010-62797237 [email protected]
1987-1994 南京航空航天大学飞行器设计专业 学士、硕士
1994-1998 清华大学工程力学系固体力学专业 博士
1998.9-2008.7 南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院 博士后、副教授、教授
2008.7至今 德州扑克规则-德州扑克技巧攻略大全
旋翼飞行器动力学与仿真、UAV & eVTOL设计
1、Changwu Liu, Chen Jiang, Haowen Wang, InGVIO: a consistent invariant filter for fast and high-accuracy GNSS-visual-inertial odometry[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023, 8(3): 1850-1857.
2、Changwu Liu, Chen Jiang, Haowen Wang, Variable observability constrained visual-inertial-GNSS EKF-based navigation[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022, 7(3): 6677-6684
3、Jian Wang, Haowen Wang , Chao Wu, Development of swashplateless helicopter blade pitch control system using the limited angle direct-drive motor (LADDM),Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2015(28)1416-1425
4、Jianfeng Tan, Haowen Wang ,Highly Efficient Unsteady Panel Time-Marching Free Wake for Aerodynamics of Rotorcraft,JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT,2014( 51),54-61
5、Jianfeng Tan, Haowen Wang ,Simulating unsteady aerodynamics of helicopter rotor with panel/viscous vortex particle method,Aerospace Science and Technology,2013(30),255–268